I must go down to the dump today
To the dump with those big bins
You see I’ve got a skip full
Of rubbish for my sins
The ultimate sin I did commit
It’s all my fault I will admit
I hid it all away you see
And when I looked
I guarantee that it had bred
And made much more
And rubbish I have now galore
Three times as much as before
Its in the loft, it’s in the shed
And some of it is neath the bed
It’s in the cupboards and the draws
It really has to go because
The house is full to overflowing
There’s old TVs and computer monitors
There’s a pile of bits that give me horrors
There’s bits of wood and some old carpet
And a box of stuff that gives me fits
There’s garden waste and broken things
A microwave that never pings
There’s motherboards and old laptops
Which would be more use as doorstops
There’s a bunch of stuff I’ve never seen
And tatty clothes I’ll never clean
And even stuff that came from Rome
There’s far too much to keep at home
So to the dump it has to go
Before it starts to grow and grow
The only snag is that although
To move it all I am unsure
Because I know what will ensue
I’ll go and get even more
Rubbish to accrue
©Angus Dei 2010
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